AAFAME - Event Information

Event Name:
Community Service Project - Texas Ramp Project

Event Type(s):

Texas Ramp Project with AAFAME Team

Event Date:

Event Time:
Morning Shift: 8:00 am - 12:00 noon & Afternoon Shift: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

4404 Mount Vernon Dr.
Austin, TX 78745

click here for Google Maps
click here for Mapquest

Contact Person:

The Texas Ramp Project is a statewide nonprofit organization. We've built 16k+ ramps across Texas using a standard, modular design. The ramps we build in Austin have been approved by the City of Austin. We only build for deserving individuals who have been referred by hospitals or social workers and cannot afford to pay for a ramp.  We provide an experienced Build Leader, the ramp design, the building permit and all of the tools and materials needed for the project.

We're excited to team up with Texas Ramp Project for our second build of 2019! The ramp we're building on May 4th will be 35' long and will be built with 6 modules. The floor of the ramp will be made of pressure treated plywood.

To reduce the amount of time each volunteer needs to be there and to provide more opportunities for volunteers, we'll have 2 shifts for this project. We've also added slots for loading and unloading at the warehouse.
  • Morning Shift: 8:00 am - 12:00 noon
  • Afternoon Shift: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • 4 Cutters: Two people on each shift will be in charge of cutting the lumber using a miter saw and/or circular saw.
  • 12 Builders: Six people on each shift will use power drills to build the modules and attach the rails and plywood flooring.
  • 4 Helpers: For the "I'll do anything but power tools" people, two on each shift will be helping the cutters and builders with the lumber, moving modules and supplies and keeping the area clean. It would be great if the helpers could make sure we have water, snacks and pictures of the team working.
  • gloves to use while moving plywood and lumber
  • safety glasses if you sign up to be a cutter
  • tool belt (if you have/want to wear one)
  • your favorite drill (if you have one you like; make sure to put your name on it)
It takes a lot of time and effort to coordinate these ramp projects so we don't cancel them unless we absolutely have to. If there's a small chance of rain, we'll go ahead and build. If there's more than a 50% chance of rain or if thunderstorms are predicted we'll probably have to postpone the project. We'll make the call to postpone by 5pm on Friday, 5/3 and will notify everyone who's signed up by email.

Email Donna Taylor at Donna@WaypointLED.com or call/text at (512) 423-8450. Thanks in advance to everyone for helping us! Your time and effort truly makes a difference!

Event Registration:

Before Photo

Project Design